Cheer Leading/Pep Club


Always give your best

Be on time for practice and every cheer event

You must maintain a C average or higher to participate

Squad members only at cheer practice

During practice, cheerleaders should wear school-appropriate clothing and shoes; athletic shoes, socks, a t-shirt, and school-length shorts. 

During games, each cheerleader should be in full uniform to cheer. Full uniform includes: cheer Shell top, cheer skirt, briefs, cheer or dance shoes, and socks. Each cheerleader should wear their hair up and off the face, so it does not bother them during practices and games.

Each week one cheerleader will be selected to teach the entire squad a new cheer.  The cheer can be self-made, borrowed from a friend on a different squad, found on the internet, or it can be new actions for an old cheer.  This is to help the squad build a collection of new cheers.  This also gives everyone a chance to be in a leadership role.  Any cheerleader, at any time, can suggest and choreograph a new cheer to teach the squad.

A team list of cheers will be an ongoing project.  As we accumulate cheers, they will be added to a list that will be used for future instruction of cheers and as a reference during games.  

Be kind and polite.  We are a team!!! We build each other up, not tear each other down. 

Be loud and proud and smile. smile, smile!!!!