Shell Knob School Communication
In our technological world in which we live, there are so many ways to effectively communicate and SKS is trying to take advantage of many of them. Shell Knob School has our very own app! You can find this app in the app store on most cell phones. It is called SKS Chargers and it is free to download. On the app, you will find the weekly menu, events, athletics and other pertinent information.
SKS also has a very full website. You can look at everything Chargers by going to Here you will find news stories, photos, helpful links, and just about any information you may need about SKS.
For those of you that spend a lot of time on Facebook, you can "like" the school page and never miss anything. There is at least one post a day on the Facebook page. You have the ability to leave positive comments and you are able to message the Facebook page.
SKS is also using a new grading system this year. It is called "teacherease." Parents can login and have access to grades, attendance, missing assignments and can communicate with teachers through email. This system is very user friendly and is always available.
Of course, a phone call and even mail is still used as an effective means of communication. This week, when you have some time, be sure to check out all of the Shell Knob School media.