Every year, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) hold a writing competition for sixth-eighth graders. This competition began in 1995 as a way to encourage youth to dive into our American history and to compare and contrast their own experiences in our modern society. One of many bonuses from this competition is students improving their writing skills.
The Patriot Pen competition is world wide. It is a wonderful outlet for students to express themselves through writing. The patriotic theme is chosen by the VFW Commander-in-Chief. Students are to write a 300-400 word essay, in their own words, expressing their own opinion on the chosen theme; "How are you Inspired by America?"
Each year, over 132,000 sixth through eighth graders enter the contest. The first place winner from each state competes for the national award. The total amount of prize money is $54,500 and each first place state winner earns a minimum of $500 of the national purse. The national first place winner earns $5,000 and an all expense paid trip to Washington D.C.
Every year, Shell Knob School has at least one student that places in the area competition against students from Blue Eye. This year's first place winner is Vivian Martinez and second place is Evan Cates. They are graded on their knowledge of the theme, the theme development and the clarity of their ideas. Congratulations to both winners and good luck!