Shell Knob competed well for their first appearance in the Morrisville History Bowl.
SK Green finished 6th with 61 points
Ryan, Emilie, Lucas, Cooper
SK White tied for 15th with 38 points.
Roman, Harlie, Ella, Emma, Khale

Today is Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day! Thank you Mr. Dave for keeping things running smoothly!

Come enjoy the middle school band concert!

Something to think about.

Spring is in the air! Don't miss it!

Don't miss it!

Fun basketball season for the 3rd and 4th grade Chargers!

School Bus Driver Appreciation Day was February 22nd. SKS knows our drivers are the very best! Thank you all for your commitment to the safety of our students! We appreciate each one of you!

PreK took a trip to the post office!

First annual Shell Knob Archery Tournament is in the books! It was a great success. See the full article at www.sks.k12.mo.us
Results of Shell Knob Archers
Easton Campbell - 234 (PR)
Emmie Lewallen - 215 (PR)
Isaiah Darbro - 215 (PR)
Jalie Whisman - 171
Ryder Sovereign - 155
Aiden Cleveland - 147 (PR)
Emilie Davis - 142 (PR)
Zayla Snow - 131

Make sure these dates are on your calendar!

School will be closed Friday, February 21st. AMI day 5.

Valentine's Day fun with 1st and 2nd grade and a few Dalmatians on the 101st day of school!

School will be closed Thursday, February 20th. AMI Day 4.

Congratulations to our Food Services Crew! They are the recipient of the Silver Spoon award. SKS is very proud of their hard work and dedication to our students and staff. #chargerpride

Shell Knob School will not be in session Tuesday, February 18th. This will be AMI day 2.

Recently, 8th grade took a field trip to Mercy Physical Therapy. Andrea Mauk talked with them about the different career options in physical therapy and how much education each needs. She also demonstrated some of the things she does with clients. She said it is important to like science and have good written and oral communication skills to be a physical therapist.

Scholar Bowl results vs Southwest
Meet at SKS: SKS A team won 120-90. Ryan and Lennox each scored 30 points in the win. B team lost 150-130. Khale led the B team with 30 points.
Meet at Southwest: A team lost 240-180. Ryan led with 50 points. B team won 180-40. Khale and Emilie both scored 50 points foe the win.

School will be closed today, 2/12/25. This will be AMI day 1.